
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Down With Homework!!

                As a high school student, I obviously take multiple high school classes and because I want to gain admission to a good college, I take many AP courses. Although these courses are supposed to help with college, I still have not found a use for it, and some colleges still do not accept these courses at their full value.
                One of the main reasons for this is because there is a high amount of fluff when someone looks at a grade. Many AP teachers give a lot of homework to students and this homework factor changes the college equation a lot, because it does not exactly show a person’s mastery of the course. As one of my teachers eloquently put it, “Homework is only there to stop parents from complaining that they think their child is not learning anything.” This has more truth than most people would think. In many of my classes, homework is just busy work that I am forced to do if I want to make it seem like I know what I am doing in my class. In reality, homework is pretty much worthless for me, because I just get through it and not really study it, because I enjoy sleeping before midnight. If I were to study my homework and try on it, sleep would just be another myth.
                In the age of Google and the internet, homework becomes even more meaningless. What really shows a person’s mastery of a subject are the tests they take in class. Albeit homework is supposed to help study for these tests, but I once had a teacher that forced everyone to create flashcards to study for a test. She was determined that everyone who used flashcards would immediately pass the test. I promptly failed the test, because flashcards do not in any way help me study. Some might say that I should have used my own test studying strategy to study, except that I had not time to, because these were a lot of flashcards that I had to make. Thus, teachers should take out the homework from their classes and have the grade in their class be from mostly tests.

                Tests in class are the only accurate reflection of a person’s grade now, because this is the only time where a person cannot cheat freely. If a person truly learned the material, it would be an easy test to pass, and if they did not learn the material, the grade would just be an accurate reflection of what the person knew in the subject.

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