
Saturday, January 18, 2014

We're All In This Together

                Well this article just shows another step for the robot revolution against humankind. Well, it will not happen immediately, but anyone with malicious intent could easily pull it off. The idea behind this is to save time by combining multiple devices that are able to go off at the same time, such as, putting bread in a toaster the night before, then in the morning, when you wake up reluctantly, and you hit the alarm, the toaster will also go off. So when you get out of the shower, the toast will be ready and it allows you to get to work or wherever you must go on time.

 I find it a fantastic idea, all depending on which appliances are connected to each other, and it may be hard programming this to perfection, like most things are, but doing this without bugs would be even harder if you ask me. Most people have seen the cartoons that show the linked appliances, like when he or she wakes up in the morning, they then have a mechanical bed and then slip into their clothes and grab toast on their way out. Well, if this represents a human population, more than anything, if these appliances were to be connected, there would be no way that anyone would get up when the alarm first rang. Most people, me included, would just fall back asleep. If this were connected to something that could damage the environment or waste materials, it would be a waste of money. One such example is having the shower turn on when the alarm is hit. This then becomes a huge waste of resources and is obviously not worth the money.

Another problem found with this idea is that, like I said earlier, evil doers could easily hack into these appliances and make them go off randomly, or possibly send spam emails, which would be now easier to send. This is due to these new appliances would have multiple IP addresses, because they would need them to synergize with each other. This is also part of my fear of technology becoming an increasingly important part of society, because it not only makes us ignorant of our surroundings, but it also can be used against us. Don’t get me wrong on this one though. I know I write a blog that is partly about improvements on technology, and I think technology is fantastic, but it does not need to be used in every occasion. 


  1. Synchronized appliances would not be easy to hack. Unlike you think, they are not simply hacked my sending spam emails... You would need to hack into a home-network (assuming these are connected via wifi, which would make the most sense), which can be difficult unless the home-network is incredibly lacks security. It would be no easier to hack then people's personal computers, and we already trust our networks for that.

    1. I agree Mr. Abramson, but with these appliances, it would be much easier to gain access to all of the appliances. Instead of just losing personal information, this person could activate your blender the entire day, wasting a lot of energy and money. I beg that you look for larger impacts before making more comments.
