
Sunday, April 20, 2014


                Scientists have now proved that cloning a human cell is possible, which is almost the pinnacle of cloning, but they still admit that it is difficult to create a full human clone or even transplant some of these cloned cells into a human. It then made me question the usefulness of it, but it is in these small baby steps that help scientists build off and make progress. I personally think that cloning a person’s cells to replace bad ones is a fantastic idea. People will not need to know their blood type nor will they have to wait for a blood transfusion if the hospital is running low on blood. This is the same with organ donations, because if someone has a punctured lung and needs a replacement, the choice between a large bulky metal lung and a cloned lung is fairly easy to choose. Even if a person does obtain a lung from a lung donor, there is still a high chance that the body will reject the lung because it seems like a foreign substance, and so the body’s autoimmune system attacks it and thereby wasting a completely useful lung. A cloned lung would have none of these problems, because it came from the person’s body itself, and the person could continue living as before,

                Others think about the morality of this situation. That thought process goes like it is basically creating a human who may or may not have a consciousness but then just creating a person to save another person’s life. Cloning is a type of creating life, and I honestly do not think that Frankenstein is a good example, because it was not the monster’s fault, the doctor who created him was much, much worse than the monster. I agree with the fact that we should not just create life in order to save another life, but without a brain, I do not think that there is a conscious in the body, so as long as a brain is not created, I think that we should definitely clone other parts. There are others who think that we have gone way too far out of our limits in what we were meant to do, but I think we are just doing what we need to do to ensure the survival of the human race, not that we have helped the environment or the surroundings in the couple thousand years that we have been alive. This is just developing technology which I think that people should just get used to it, like we have to in jobs or just suffer the loss of a job. This is basically a human way to cope with natural selection.

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