
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Transpolyatomic ions, Elements in Disguise

            This article is pretty amazing, I mean, nobody ever thought that people like Nicholas Flannel would ever be considered a realistic scientist. Alchemy has always been some sort of mythical, magical thing that nobody has probably even considered in the last, oh, couple hundred years. Everyone has heard those jokes about the philosopher’s stone, which can pocket a person some free gold, and any person that has a die hard, must find the stone attitude, is ridiculed at by nearly every person in the human population. The real world does not have a philosopher’s stone, otherwise the crime rate and murder rate would be much higher than it currently is, which, then again, is really saying something.

            This article is kind of old, but it still is relatively new compared to some of the previous advancements in the field of Alchemy. To clarify what alchemy really is, alchemy is the change from one substance to another. The fabled philosopher’s stone was supposed to have a Midas’ Touch on it, because gold would be what everyone is after. This is not much of an advancement as all he really did was change the properties of an element to reflect a much rarer element. Although this advancement is really small, it really is a group collection of really small steps that constitute of one really large step, and without the small steps, human civilization would not be where it is.

Even still, this is not so much alchemy as it is chemistry, but chemistry is a form of alchemy I suppose. With current knowledge, it is know that the amount of protons or electrons something has, it gives it about the same properties, and so all they did was knock of an electron. Although it seems fairly obvious right now, it has not been done before, and this new advancement could save thousands of dollars in the environmental world. As platinum was used to counteract a known dangerous gas to humans, this new alchemy could change one of the cheaper metals, into a sad replica of the expensive one.

Outside of this though, it really does not have too much of a use, no bank is really going to change their top credit card labels from “PLATINUM” to “the shoddy tungsten replacement for platinum, because we are too cheap to actually obtain real platinum” well, for an obvious reason of course. This may seem worthless right now, because it does not really apply to you, and it is not even close to a philosopher’s stone, but some day. Some day.

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