
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sometimes, They can be Trait-ors

                So today is Mother’s Day, and we should all be thanking our mothers unless she is gone or you just dislike her, which then I am sorry about that. Just remember that half of you came from your mother and so did quite a bit of your traits that you think are original to you, probably are not and instead are from your mother. Just be glad that no matter how bad your relationship is, at least it is not supposed to be like the relationship the Malachai is supposed to have with his mother. For those of you that did not catch the reference, go read the Chronicles of Nick Gautier, a good series.
                Recently, I have been wondering about what traits come from the mother’s side and what traits come from the father’s side. I honestly do not think that it is split easily fifty percent of your mom’s traits and fifty percent of your dad’s traits even if originally, the meiosis split had fifty percent of your mom’s data and fifty percent of your dad’s data. Personally, I think the environment that you grow up in affects the development of your personality much more than the genetics of where they came from. In certain environments, different traits are more heavily emphasized, because my mother always has a constant raging personality, while my father is patient up until a certain point. During middle school, a terrible time and a terrible place to boot which I would never wish on anyone, I was put in a pool of testosterone where you were supposed to be manly or get figuratively “devoured”. This turned me into an anti-social freak of nature and filled with rage and anger. Due to this, I made some terrible friends that I realize now, and highly regret, and if anyone starts telling you about my middle school years, just realize that I was stupid back then.

                It is not only emotional traits that are passed down, but I find that physical traits are passed down too, and although people say, “Awww, he or she has his or her mother’s nose,” which I never understood nor have I ever saw the resemblance in the person. I think that I look neither like my mother nor do I look like my father and my parents do not think I look like either of them too. This led to my parents joking about how I looked like my neighbor’s child. I personally like to think that I’m an original.

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