
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Homicidal Robot Human

             Some days I just sit in my thinking spot and think, “Self, if you were confronted by an insane psychopath, would you rather them be very flamboyant about how much they wanted to kill you and reveled in the pain that they dealt, whether it be to themselves or to you, or would it be better for them to be cold and emotionless without feeling pain?” Yeah, trust me, I am taking therapy from a couple of people, just in case that was what you were wondering. Well, this is brought up because of this article, which tries to explain why humans find robots innately creepy and then tries to play down that fear, and please note, a couple of the pictures in there are kind of creepy. If I saw one of those pictures in the middle of the night, I guarantee that I would lose it, and once you see it, you will know exactly what I mean. I mean, sure I am in the robotics club at my school, but non humanoid robots do not creep me out, but instead it is the human ones.

            As this article states, the creepiest things about human robots is the fact that they do not actually look too far off from being human, but it is always that slight difference that throws us off. Probably because of humans natural tendency to judge people based on their difference from what the judger is. Seriously guys, I am in high school, there is absolutely no way you can tell me I am wrong on that, I see it happen like twelve times a minute. This also reminds of the Salem Witch Trials long ago, where people would burn witches because they survived being tied up and thrown in a lake, and obviously this was not that fair to the people, but did the “jury” care? No.

            Although I am scared of robots only slightly not looking human, I really would rather them keep it like that because if they looked completely human, I would be even more scared and probably extremely paranoid while I was at it. Just stop and think about it, homicidal maniacs and murderers look the same as the rest of the humans, but they at least can feel pain. If a robot were to malfunction and go on a rampage, it would be difficult to stop it, because they do not feel pain, and cannot really guarantee their death unless a robot were to be smashed to bits. Later on, as human technology advances with reinforced metals on robots, it would be hard to take them down, even with an EMP, or possibly a nuke. The problem with the EMP is that humans have been developing other sources of electricity in case something like that would happen. The problem with the nuke is the fact that, well, they do look almost exactly like humans, so what? Nuke all humans to make sure the robots are dead? A robot apocalypse might be worse than a zombie apocalypse.

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